Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2018 22(2):97-100
Background: Silicosis is a known occupational lung disease prevalent among stone mine workers. It is commonly characterized by cough and shortening of breath, and is occasionally associated with tuberculosis and lung carcinogenicity. Silicosis is one of the major occupational disease all over the world and poses detrimental health effects to the workers in developing countries like India. Objective: The present study was conducted to assess the level of awareness and knowledge of silicosis among stone mine workers. Subjects and Methods: It was a personal questionnaire-based study conducted among stone mine workers of Jodhpur and Nagaur district of Rajasthan, India. The study was conducted during October 2016, and was based on close-ended questions related to silicosis awareness. The study subjects (n = 305) were 30 years or more. The questionnaire was divided into different sections: demographic characteristics, knowledge of silicosis, lifestyle, and educational level. Results: The results of the study revealed that education or literacy highly affects the knowledge about silicosis among stone mine workers. The awareness index was found nonsignificant for the alertness of silicosis in contrast to regions, age groups, and habit of two regions and was significant for literacy in two regions. Conclusion: This study concluded that the education level of mine workers affected the knowledge of silicosis. Free seminars, symposiums, and medical camps should be organized to make miners more aware of silicosis.
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